Programme Team

Programme Team

Julie Gilbert

Programme Team Member (Squirrels Lead)


Julie Gilbert

assists Group Scout Leaders in the encouragement of all Leaders in the Section to provide a balanced programme, work in partnership with the Programme Team Lead in the management of the District Section’s programme and activities, The Squirrels Sub-Team Lead maintains contacts relevant to the Section age group with in the local community, promote the Section’s Scouting to the local community.

Julie Gilbert

Christine Williams

Programme Team Member (Beavers Lead)


assists Group Scout Leaders in the encouragement of all Leaders in the Section to provide a balanced programme, work in partnership with the Programme Team Lead in the management of the District Section’s programme and activities, The Beavers Sub-Team Lead maintains contacts relevant to the Section age group with in the local community, promote the Section’s Scouting to the local community.

Julie Houlton

Programme Team Member (Cubs Lead)


assists Group Scout Leaders in the encouragement of all Leaders in the Section to provide a balanced programme, work in partnership with the Programme Team Lead in the management of the District Section’s programme and activities, The sub-team lead maintains contacts relevant to the Section age group with in the local community, promote the Section’s Scouting to the local community.

Glen Melling

Programme Team Member (Scouts Lead)


assists Group Scout Leaders in the encouragement of all Leaders in the Section to provide a balanced programme, work in partnership with the Programme Team Lead in the management of the District Section’s programme and activities, The Scouts Sub-Team Lead maintains contacts relevant to the Section age group with in the local community, promote the Section’s Scouting to the local community.