The District Lead Volunteer and their team, run scouting across St Helens and District. They are here to support Scouting in the District with events and activities. As well as support all our Leaders and Managers to offer the adventure of Scouting to all our young people.
You can find out more about the District Leadership Team’s roles and teams, or contact them below.
Karen Ackers
District Lead Volunteer
The role of the District Lead Volunteer is to ensure that the District thrives and has the best systems in place to support all adult volunteers including production of a vision for the development of Scouting in St Helens. The District Lead Volunteer is also ultimately responsible for making Scouting attractive to young people and adults from all backgrounds, while creating an adequate team of supported and appropriate adults working effectively together and with others to meet the Scouting needs of the area. The District Lead Volunteer is the line manager for all managers within St Helens as well as the support point for anyone with a challenge.
Joe Maloney
District Youth Lead
As a member of the District Leadership Team the District Youth Lead works in partnership with the District Lead Volunteer. The role is to ensure that young people from 6-25 years are involved and engaged in every decision that shapes their Scouting experience locally and to empower young people to share their ideas and have a meaningful voice in planning, implementing and reviewing their programme and opportunities.
Liam Cawsey-Gilbert
14-24 Team Lead
heads up the 14-24 Team. This team helps all volunteers in Explorer (including Young Leaders) and Network Sections. They help Section teams plan and deliver great programmes for young people, ensure the programme is youth led, offer international opportunities to the District and ensure young people achieve their top awards (including DofE).
David Singleton
Programme Team Lead
is responsible for reviewing and reinvigorating the Districts Programme of activities and events. The Programme Team Leadalso works with the section leaders to support them on offering the adventure of Scouting to all our young people.
Lesley Rowe
Estates Sub-Team Lead
is responsible for maintaining our buildings and equipment, planning district wide events, and offers advice on the development of our resources. Works closely with the District Trustee Board to protect and invest in the Districts valuable resources.
Not sure of how our structure looks? Check out our organisational structure.
Become a volunteer
Simply fill out our form and your local group will be in touch soon.