Support Team

Support Team

Kath Savery

Support Team Member (Managers)


assists the Support Team Lead by focusing tailored training with new managers within the District ensure they are welcomed and supported in their Leadership role.

Welcome Team

Susan Miller

Welcome Sub-Team Lead


Estates Team

Lesley Rowe

Estates Sub-Team Lead


is responsible for maintaining our buildings and equipment, planning district wide events, and offers advice on the development of our resources. Works closely with the District Trustee Board to protect and invest in the Districts valuable resources.

Communications Team

Andrew Steele

Communications & Web Sub-Team Lead


 is in charge of Email based services, support the website in the background and with content,

Rob Dobson

Communications & Web Team Member


assists with email based services, supports the website in the background and with content.

Mark Mortimore

Communications & Web Team Member


assists with email based services, supports the website in the background and with content.

Beth Ackers

Communications & Web Team Member


Manages all our social media accounts.