Read each of the sections below and complete all the activities. Once you reach the end, you can upload evidence of your work from the activities for the ESLYL to evaluate and keep track of your progress so you must complete it to have evidence of this module. You can either write your work digitally or take a picture of any pieces of paper you use. However you choose, make sure you keep track of your work to get the recognition.
This module aims to make you aware of the importance of different communication styles and the impact that the way you communicate has on others. It will look at how you can adapt your style to suit your audience, whether you are in section meetings or leader meetings. It will also look at how to talk about the skills you are gaining through the YL scheme whenever talking to other people both inside and outside of Scouting.
By the end of this module you will have an understanding of:
- how important effective communication is between leaders and young people in their section
- adapting your communication style to suit the activity or situation
- how tone and body language can affect how you communicate with others
- how to communicate how the experiences and skills you are gaining through the YL scheme can be used to help you in other Scouting and non-Scouting activities
Communication is the ability to convey information and share meaning. The aim is to be understood by your audience, to do this effectively you need to be able to understand them as well. You can express your thoughts:
- Verbally – by speaking
- Visually – presenting information as an image, map
- Non-verbally – through your body language, eye contact, gestures
- In writing – through notes, emails etc.
To be able to understand your audience you need to be able to actively listen to their views as well. It is easily overlooked, as people tend to focus more on what they want to say, rather than listening to what the other person is saying. Knowing when to pause to allow the other person to talk is an important skill. It conveys respect and a willingness to hear the other person’s point of view.
Effective communication occurs when you use active listening. It enables you to ensure that your section understands the activity. It allows different ideas to be expressed and tips and experience to be shared with the group. It is a key skill for gathering feedback.
As you saw in Module C, each activity that you run within Scouting will require different communication techniques. Some are more suited to having instructions written down, some explained as a big group, some on an individual level and some by physically demonstrating.
When running a new activity or teaching a new skill such as making smores it is beneficial to consider the EDGE approach:

First, you Explain how it’s done.
“I’m going to roast this marshmallow over the fire until it’s golden brown. Then I’m going to sandwich it between two digestives and a piece of chocolate.”
Then, you Demonstrate the steps you just explained.
Narrate your actions to reinforce the first step.
Next, you Guide the learners as they practice.
Give the Scouts their own materials and let them try. Offer help when needed, and let the learner repeat until they’ve got it down.
Finally, you Enable them to succeed.
This is when you step back, sit down and watch.
Tone and body language
When communicating with others it is important to consider how you say something.
Activity 1
When explaining a new activity to your section, what body language should you use? How can you ensure that all of your section are engaging with what you are saying?
Write a paragraph on your thoughts.
Communicating your skills
Your time as a young leader should be enjoyable and will give you the opportunity to work towards the top Explorer awards. Being a YL should give you the opportunity to develop your leadership, communication and planning skills in order to help to deliver a fun and engaging programme for your section. It should also be a strong starting point if you would like to become an adult leader. These skills and experiences that you gain whilst a young leader are not solely useful for your time in Scouting. Many of the skills will be transferable for day to day life.
The ability to lead, communicate and plan are desirable skills for a candidate to have when they are applying for further education and jobs. The YL scheme is recognised by UCAS and by many employers as it shows that the applicant has desirable communication and leadership skills, is committed, and can effectively work as part of a team.
Activity 2
Write an answer for each of the following points:
- Tell us about time you engaged cooperatively in a team. What went well? What would you do differently in the future?
- Tell us about a time you led a group that was not solely made up of your peers. What did you do? What went well? What would you do differently in the future?
- Tell us about a time someone inspired you to do something? What made them inspire you?
Look back at the objectives at the top of this page and see if you think you are confident with each of them. If there are any parts you are unsure of then you can contact the YL training team with any questions.
When you have completed the activities above send upload your evidence to [email protected], ensure you label it clearly with your Name and the Module. We will review and confirm receipt, updating your records and progress within the scheme.
You need to complete this to be signed off.