Office 365

Office 365 provides anywhere access to professional email, calendar, HD video conferencing, and more. Designed to help charities do more good, this fantastic suite of tools provides groups with access to Office Online and Microsoft’s best-in-class cloud-based productivity and collaboration software.

Full GDPR compliance & alignment with the scouts rules for email (

  • a free email addresses firstname.lastname@sthelensscouts or where requested & enabled firstname.lastname@Group/Unit. sthelensscouts
  • Secure personalised business class email, calendar, and contacts with a 50 GB inbox  (Microsoft Exchange)
  • Personal File storage and sharing with 1 TB of OneDrive storage
  • Multiple Microsoft Teams where you can share file with multiple people in your group
  • Collaboration services to securely store & backup documents (SharePoint). Essential for succession planning.

Unlimited online meetings, instant messaging, audio, HD video, and web conferencing (Teams)
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