Module 1 – Essential Information (45mins)
Essential Information is a mandatory module for nearly all adults in Scouting. It provides the basic information required for individuals getting started in adult roles in Scouting, vital to ensuring that all young people can enjoy safe Scouting.
(Required by all roles including exec members)
Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF and send it to your AreaTraining Manager above.
Trustee Introduction (30mins)
The aim of this module is to provide the Charity or managing Trustees with information on their legal responsibilities and current regulations. You only need to complete this module if you have a role as a Trustee Board member.
(Required everyone who has a role on a Trustee Board including leaders)
Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF and send it to your Area Training Manager above.
GDPR Training (35mins)
GDPR Training is a mandatory module for all appointments. It covers the basic information that individual’s need to know in relation to the General Data Protection Regulations, what this means for their role and for Scouting and how to effectively align with it. Topics covered:
- Personal Data
- Individuals’ rights
- Consent
- Accountability & Governance
(Required by all roles including exec members)
Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF and send it to your AreaTraining Manager above.
Safety Training (45mins)
The safety of all our members is of paramount importance, it is essential that we provide up-to-date training so volunteers understand our safety protocols.
It is a requirement for all adults in Scouting to renew their safety training at least every three years
(Required by all roles including exec members)
Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF and send it to your AreaTraining Manager above.
Safeguarding Training (45mins)
The issues facing adult volunteers in keeping young people safe are changing all the time and it is essential that we provide up-to-date training.
It is a requirement for all adults in Scouting to renew their ‘approved safeguarding training’ at least every three years
(Required by all roles including Trustee Board members)
Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF and send it to your Area Training Manager above.