Upload Evidence

Each time you so some work on a module or mission you can upload your evidence using OSM Badges at Home feature. We can then sign off on the module this and make sure your progress on the modules are recorded.

To start using the feature you need to have registered an account using the a link from an OSM email for the Young Leaders section – we will send you one when you first join the unit and when you attend the Module A session. You only need to do this the first time you log in – after that you can just log on normally.

When you logon you will see the YL Unit listed on the left hand column – select the badge section and you will see a screen like this:

The 5 Young Leader badges are listed – each with a little house icon to show you can upload your evidence.

For all the modules select the Modules badge and then select Complete at Home.

Upload your evidence – this could be a word document, an image or maybe a video. Tick which module it relates to (this is really important).

The information is saved (as shown by the green tick) – if you want to add some comments you can scroll to the bottom of the screen and add them.

We get notified when you have uploaded information and can then review it and update your training record.